Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ridiculously Easy Fudge

First, I know, another non-freezer meal recipe. I'm sorry! But not sharing a fudge recipe this easy would have been rude of me! Don't fear - I have freezer twice baked potatoes coming when I get home from work!

Now, what inspired me to make fudge at 10:15 in the morning when I should have been getting ready for work? I have no idea, apparently something on HGTV, since that's what I was doing when inspiration struck. So I Googled and found an easy, 3-ingredient fudge that I could easily complete (AND post) and still do my hair before work. Not gonna lie, it's not the BEST fudge in the world, I mean BYU Bookstore fudge would definitely beat it, but any recipe that requires a candy thermometer is probably not happening in my kitchen (especially on a Tuesday morning).

Photo from Allrecpies.com

No-Fail Fudge

  • 3 cups semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/4 cut butter (cut it into little chunks so it will melt better)
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional, or anything else that might be good on it - mini marshmallows, coconut, butterscotch chips...)

Place chocolate chips, sweetened condensed milk, and butter in a large microwave bowl. Zap ingredients in microwave on medium until chips are melted, about 3 to 5 minutes, stirring once or twice during cooking. Stir in nuts or other toppings, if desired. (You could also use a double boiler - aka a bowl over a pot of water on the stove - if you're ambitious. The fudge would probably be smoother). Pour into well-greased 8x8 baking dish (I just lined a pan with wax paper). You can also add toppings now, on top, if you don't want to mix them in! Refrigerate until set. Eat up!

This recipe is from Allrecipes.com.

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